The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,2013 implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India. The Ministry of Human Resource Development via notification dated 2nd May, 2016 made University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women employees and students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulation, 2015. It is a comprehensive legislation to provide a safe, secure and enabling environment, free from sexual harassment to every woman. This statute was enacted to fill the legislative void which had been partially addressed by the judiciary in Vishaka and Others v. State of Rajasthan and Others (1997 (7) SCC 323). In this seminal public interest litigation verdict, the Supreme Court of India had framed a set of guidelines (“Vishaka Guidelines“) for dealing with instances of sexual harassment at the workplace, which has now been codified in the POSH Act.
Under the POSH Act, an employer is legally required to comply with certain statutory requirements. One of these is the constitution of an Internal Complaints Committee (“ICC“), a body envisaged to receive complaints on sexual harassment at the workplace from an aggrieved woman, as well as to inquire into and make recommendations to the employer on the action required pursuant to its inquiry of such complaint made.
UGC Regulation states the responsibility of HEIs to act decisively against all gender based violence against employees and students of all sexes and to reinforce its commitment to creating its campus free from discrimination, harassment, retaliation and any form of sexual assault.
According to Supreme Court Guidelines Sexual Harassment can be defined as unwelcome sexually determined behavior whether directly or by implication as
Details of Committee Members (2025-2026)
Sl. No | Name and Department | Position | Mobile No. | Email Id |
1 | Dr. Asmita Mitra Associate Professor |
Presiding Officer | 9434646960 | |
2 | Dr.Asis Kumar Pandit Associate Professor |
Member | 8918340084 | |
3 | Dr.Krishna Nandy Bhowmik Assistant Professor |
Member | 9474827151 | |
4 | Dr. Md. Humayun Jamil Khan Associate Professor |
Member | 7003628854 | |
5 | Dr. Chhandasi Guha Roy Sarkar Assistant Professor |
Member | 9830856992 | |
6 | Tapan Kumar Biswas Staff member |
Member | 8777280051 | |
7 | Smt Kaberi Adhikari Pan Staff member |
Member | 9475738688 | |
8 | Dr.Sadhna Gupta Assistant Professor, Govt Center of Legal Education |
Law Officer | 9331738023 | |
8 | Smt Swati Chatterjee Secretary; Panihati Endeavour |
Member from NGO | 7003992068 | |
To deal with the issue of gender based violenece in the Institution Sensitization programmes periodically as per the latest UGC Regulations, 2015 (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal of sexual harassment of women employees & students in Higher Educational Institution)
Complaint Registration:
Register your complaint related to Sexual Harassment with any member of the College ICC. Also Complaint Box has been displayed near the office of the College for reporting of grievances.
Awareness Programmes Organized by the Internal Complaints Committee of the College
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