

Latest Tender Notices

Publish Date Ref No. Tender Title Closing Date
20/03/2025 698/M-4 E-Tender for Security Guard 29/03/2025
22/09/2023 224/2023 E-Tender for Purchase of Lab Equipments
24/04/2023 242/Q-2 supply of the following Items/providing AMC/ Event Management/other mentioned service/commodities as per specification 23/05/2023
24/04/2023 241/Q-2 The uninterrupted maintenance of college website with existing domain purchesed and renewed by college 23/05/2023
05/04/2023 115/GCLE/Tender Tender for Government center of Legal Education 12/04/2023
16/02/2023 2023_DHE_475035_1 E-Tender for Security Guard (2023-2024) 01/03/2023
27/08/2022 313/E-35/4th Call E-Tender for Security Guard (2022-2023)- 4th Call 17/09/2022
27/08/2022 313/E-35/3rd Call Tender cancelation notice 27/08/2022
Tender Notice for Security Guard

Older Tender Notices

Publish Date Ref No. Tender Title Closing Date