NSS or NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.  Following Gandhian principle, NSS was launched on 24th September, 1969, on the birth centenary of Mahatma Gandhi to develop the   personality of students through community service. It is the “Education through Service” and the ‘Service’ which is ‘Self less’. It is the knowledge which teaches ‘Community before self.’ And so the Motto of NSS is “NOT ME BUT YOU”.  An NSS volunteer is expected to render service to the needy, wretched and poor without bias. It is the NO SPECIFIC SCHEME which acts as it requires enhancing the standard of life and uplifting everyone to the life of dignity. Students perform in urban and rural, through famine and flood, for education and health, and for environment and science. So it is the link between the ‘Campus and Community’, ‘College and Village’ and ‘Knowledge and Action’.  It is the process which ‘integrates the nation through social’. The symbol of NSS, the Ratha Chakra of Konarak Sun Temple, stands here for conservation, preservation and release. It also stands for the vast blue universe. The human being is a humble creature in it. But the young, energetic  NSS volunteers with high spirit,  work relentlessly for the spiritual and material, for the self and the others  and for the  unending life which is a continuity but also  a change.


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